Click the link below to chat to the team at Air Locker Training Southport to secure your 7-day experience package,

Altitude is for everyone

Click the link below to chat to the team at Air Locker Training Southport to secure your 7-day experience package,

Altitude is for everyone


Burn up to 30%

more calories


300% greater EPOC

(rate calories are burnt)

post workout.


28% greater resting

metabolic rate.

I've got my confidence back! I feel great

and I haven't felt this energetic in a very

long time - not bad for a 67 year old.



I've got my confidence back! I feel great

and I haven't felt this energetic in a very

long time - not bad for a 67 year old.





Here's the deal: simulated altitude training is a training method that's designed to mimic the effects of high altitude training, but without the need for you to actually travel to high altitudes. This type of training has been shown to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to improve their endurance, strength, and overall performance.

So, how does it work? Well, at high altitudes, the air has less oxygen in it compared to sea level. And that's where Air Lockers comes in - their simulated high altitudes generally contain around 13-15% oxygen, as opposed to the 20-22% oxygen found at sea level.

By training in these conditions, your body adapts to working with less oxygen, which can ultimately help you perform better in lower-oxygen environments like high altitude locations.


I've really never experienced anything like Air Locker before. Every class is different - six sessions a week probably classifies me as addicted - I love Air Locker.



I've really never experienced anything like Air Locker before. Every class is different - six sessions a week probably classifies me as addicted - I love Air Locker.





Altitude forces your body to work harder,

increase red blood cells and become

more efficient at utilising oxygen


Less oxygen means more calories burnt.

Your body adapts to burn fat for fuel


Enhance your recovery and injury time.

Perform with less stress on joints and tendons.


Increase hormone production and lean

muscle mass through resistance training

in Hypoxia.


Boost your serotonin levels (your ‘Happy

Hormone’) and decrease stress levels

Large Call to Action Headline

Click the link below to chat to the team at Air Locker Training Southport to secure your 7-day experience package,

Altitude is for everyone

Large Call to Action Headline

Click the link below to chat to the team at Air Locker Training Southport to secure your 7-day experience package,


Burn up to 30%

more calories


300% greater EPOC

(rate calories are burnt)

post workout.


28% greater resting

metabolic rate.

I've really never experienced anything like Air Locker before. Every class is different - six sessions a week probably classifies me as addicted - I love Air Locker.



I've really never experienced anything like Air Locker before. Every class is different - six sessions a week probably classifies me as addicted - I love Air Locker.





Fill out the form below and get in contact with Zoey from Air Locker Training Southport to claim your free 7-Day experience and organise a time to come in for a class


Come try out the training revolution that is High Altitude training at Air Locker


If you fall in love with it (which we know you will) you are more then welcome to sign up with us, if not we can part our separate ways and you will still would of had a fantastic experience.




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How does it work?

The air we breathe contains around 79% Nitrogen, 20.9% Oxygen and a mixture of other smaller gases. In an Air Locker Training Studio, a Simulated Altitude Training (SAT) environment is created by reducing the amount of oxygen in the room. When the human body is in an oxygen reduced environment, it is stimulated to adapt to this different environment by enhancing the various ways it uses oxygen to produce energy. In turn this boosts our body’s efficiency, improving the way our heart and lungs function, in addition to the way our muscles and other organs use fuel.

Is Altitude Training Safe?

Just like undertaking any normal exercise regime, anyone taking prescribed medication that may have an impact on exercising, has current injuries, is pregnant, or has a known or suspected cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, metabolic or musculoskeletal condition must seek clearance from a health professional or their GP.

What Is The Oxygen Level In The Studio?

Our sessions are conducted at around 14% oxygen and at a simulated altitude level of between 3200-3500 metres.

How Do You Measure Your Progress During A Workout?

Whilst exercising at altitude you can measure your effort and progress by using a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a small non-evasive device placed on your index finger that measures your oxygen saturation (sa02%) and heart rate. Having this visual aid and the metrics gives you instant performance feedback and keeps you on track to achieve your goals. Your trainer will let you more about the guidelines to help you achieve optimum results from your training and of course the locations of the pulse oximeters.

What Are The Main Benefits?

There are a number of scientifically proven benefits associated with SAT, including: Increased weight loss and metabolic rate. Increased energy and endurance levels. Improved aerobic conditioning and cardiovascular health. Improved rehabilitation and recovery

How Soon Will I See Improvements?

Of course, some see improvements quicker than others. Improvements show themselves through an increased ability to breathe more efficiently whilst performing your classes. This is because your body is acclimatising and adjusting to the reduced oxygen levels. With this, you'll notice your ability to push a little harder will return.

Are There Any Negative Side Effects From Training At Altitude?

As with any other form of exercise, excessive training in an altitude environment could lead to overtraining resulting in fatigue, decreased REM sleep and a decline in performance. Of course, everyone responds differently to physical activity and regardless of the type of exercise, factors such as intensity, frequency and duration of exercise should be taken into consideration, as should current and past exercise regimes, medical history, injuries and any other ailments an individual feels could have an impact on their participation in exercise. If you are returning to exercise after a long period of time, after childbirth or a recent operation or injury, you should always seek medical advice from a health professional before resuming any fitness program.

How Long Do The Classes Last?

All up, classes last for approximately 45- 50 minutes, so you can fit them into your day no matter how busy you are. You’ll burn calories and have a lot of fun doing it!

What Do I Wear?

It’s no fashion parade at Air Locker Training, you just need to make sure you're wearing something comfortable and breathable. A good pair of trainers would be a good move and of course bring a towel and water bottle.

Can I Bring A Friend?

Yes. Working out with a friend is great motivation, especially on the days when you feel you need a little nudge to get through the door! Why not bring a friend or member of your family along for company or support. If you have a friend who wants to come along, they can grab a free 7 day pass via this website, then simply book in for a class.